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Find Community

find community

Small groups

Our hope is that you are growing in your relationship with God and with others, while serving your neighbors. At New Life, we do this by learning, caring, and supporting each other in small group environments. Whether you want to connect with people in your neighborhood, other married couples, or singles; whether you want to study scripture or are passionate about sharing the Gospel — there’s a group here for you!

Ready to connect? Find a group, or start your own.

Resources for Group Leaders
Discussion Guides for Small Groups 

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Our communities are designed to help you build a deep and authentic connection with Christ and with others. Contact one of our community leaders below.


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Explore membership

Attend a Newcomers’ Gathering

Are you new to New Life Fellowship? Learn more about the history, mission and vision of our church and meet our pastors.

Attend Communitas

Interested in Membership?  Explore becoming rooted as a formal member in our community. If you’re new to our church, we ask that you attend our Newcomers’ Gathering before attending this class.

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Let's Connect

Connect me with someone on your community life team